Playing Euphonium With Acne

Indiana Euphoniums
2 min readFeb 4, 2021


We all experience acne at some point in our lives, whether it be pimples, whiteheads, blackheads, etc. Acne really damages one’s self-esteem and can hinder one’s life in many ways. One of the downsides of having acne-prone skin and playing a brass instrument is that some days you just can’t play because of how painful it is to touch the instrument to your face. If you’ve ever had a pimple right where you put your mouthpiece then you know exactly what I’m talking about. It not only feels embarrassing but it’s so frustrating when you can’t play because of a pimple… I’ve been through this many many times and have some practical solutions.

What is acne? Acne is an inflammatory skin disease that virtually everyone experiences and it can have many causes. Bacteria, excess oil production, and poor diet are generally the most common culprits that lead to acne.

There are a few ways for us to treat and prevent acne around the mouth. The first and best method is to clean your mouthpiece every time before you play. I spritz my mouthpiece with an alcohol-based mist (Mi-T-Mist - $3.99) every time I play. The other methods are to use the ingredients benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid. These ingredients have been used to treat acne for decades and have mounds of evidence backing up their efficacy. “Wait but aren’t natural ingredients better for your skin?” No. Cosmeceuticals are formulated to be safe for the skin, unlike natural things that contain carcinogens (unprocessed aloe), or are damaging and irritating (essential oils). Here are some affordable product recommendations that contain benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid: Panoxyl Acne Foaming Wash ($9.48); Neutrogena Oil-Free Acne Wash ($6.49).

If you have to play with a pimple and there’s no way out of your performance/audition, you may be able to get by with icing the pimple. Remember that pimples are areas of inflammation so taking some ibuprofen and applying ice to the area may certainly help. DO NOT POP YOUR PIMPLE. It will hurt so much more after, lead to scarring, and possibly get infected. Good luck honey boo, you got this!

Other Tips

See a dermatologist if accessible

The pimple could be a cold sore if it’s directly on your lip - in that case use a cold sore treatment

Don’t use scrubs on your face - they will make your acne worse

Try not to touch your face as much

Wash your face every night

Use a pimple patch or other spot treatment

Keep your head up sweetie, you’re beautiful <3

-Troy Moeller

